
Mostrando entradas de 2019


Diferencias entre Seek, Search y Look For Primeramente, los tres verbos significan en general  buscar , pero existen algunas diferencias al momento de utilizarlos. SEEK:   es un verbo considerado  formal  y se utiliza en las siguientes situaciones: 1.- Intentar encontrar o conseguir algo, pero que no sea físico sino intangible: - She is actively seeking work . (Ella busca trabajo activamente) - The government is seeking ways to reduce the cost of health care . (El gobierno está buscando métodos para minimizar el costo de los servicios médicos) 2. Pedir - buscar consejos / ayuda: -  Legal advice should be sought before you take any further action.  ( Se debería buscar asesoría legal antes de tomar otras acciones) - Seek medical advice if symptoms last more than a week.  (Si los síntomas persisten por más de una semana, busca ayuda médica) 3. Pedir aprobación o pemiso: You must first seek permission before publishing their names. (An...


Remember Remember  means to have a memory, to keep a memory. In other words it means 'not to forget'. Do you remember the name of the book? Yes, but I don't remember the author's name.  – ( I do not have the memory) Remember to feed the cat.  (don’t forget) Remind Remind  means causes someone to think of something/make someone remember something they have forgotten. The smell of the sea reminds me of my childhood. I grew up near the sea. Peter reminds me of my brother. They look so alike. Remind me to book a table for tomorrow. I might forget. I reminded John that we had already agreed on a venue for the conference. Look at this conversation. Note the difference between remember and remind. John to Peter:   Remember it is Sarah's birthday tomorrow. Peter to John:   Thanks for reminding me. I totally forgot. John to Peter:  How long have you two been together? Don't tell me you can’t remember that either. Peter to John:...


WIN is used with money (or something else) that you win in a competition or contest.  Example: I won 10 thousand pounds in the lottery last year. The money he won as part of the Nobel Prize was donated to charity. She won a trip to South Africa on a TV game show. I won a gold medal at the Beijing Olympics in 2008. EARN is used with your salary or with money you earn working.  Example: A good salesman can earn a lot of money in commissions. In my first job, I earned less than $ 6 an hour. Many people feel that the CEOs of banks earn too much money. My uncle doesn’t earn very much, but he’s happy with his job. GAIN is used little, more than anything like getting or getting ... Also how to increase or increase. It is something more formal.  Example: He gained a lot of experience working at his father's company. Stocks in Europe gained 2% today. European football is gaining fans in the United States. First, remember that win is irregular...